Schools at the Kunsthaus

For school classes in particular, a visit to the Kunsthaus should be as lively and as activity- and skills-oriented as possible, so that all classes and levels are given access to art. The programme invites students to engage in processes of thought and action and attempt to incorporate their own realities here. Following an overview tour designed to meet the class’ needs with a theme depending on the exhibition, we recommend booking a practice-oriented workshop that elaborates on the content of the exhibition in line with the class’ age and abilities. You can get more information by contacting Florian Winkler, head of the Education department: +49 551 507 688723

Additional programme for school classes and teachers

Project days and weeks

Kunsthaus Göttingen is happy to work with schools (not just in Göttingen!) to realize various project days and weeks covering the areas of photography, print and poster art, as well as new media. Contact us early so we can work together to set up a multifaceted and exciting programme in which school pupils can discover new angles and inspiration in their observation of art in a non-classroom setting. You can get more information by contacting the Education department directly.

Teacher workshops

For each exhibition there will be an introductory teacher workshop. Following a dialog-based overview tour, interested teachers can try out the bookable and the public educational offerings and begin crafting their first plans and ideas for a visit to the Kunsthaus in discussion with others. The event also provides exchange among teachers, taking into account their perspectives on cultural education. You can get more information by contacting the Education department directly.

In English Please

Learn English outside the classroom and talk naturally about art-related themes outside the school setting: Kunsthaus Göttingen makes it possible. Part of learning English is exploring new, unfamiliar terrain and putting yourself in situations in which you can learn something new. Here, art is used as a platform on which participants can discuss their thoughts, verbalize their ideas and get chatting with each other. You can get more information by contacting the Education department directly.