“Become a supporter and be part of an exciting development in the heart of Göttingen.”
– Alfons von Uslar, Authorized Signatory
Circle of Friends
The Circle of Friends is an important partner to Kunsthaus Göttingen. It is simultaneously an ambassador, supporter and backbone of the institution. The aim of the group is to provide financial support for projects and to project the Kunsthaus’ vision out into the city and the region. The Circle of Friends thus makes a crucial contribution to support and education for art and culture among the general public. Kunsthaus Göttingen was set up as a non-profit, limited-liability organization and thus allows for tax-deductible donations. You can find further information at info@kunsthaus-goettingen.de.

“Become a supporter and be part of an exciting development in the heart of Göttingen.” Support exhibitions and events at Kunsthaus Göttingen! The exhibition venue is a core component of Göttingen’s KuQua art quarter and is a place of visual communication that resonates well beyond Göttingen – partly thanks to your support.” – Alfons von Uslar, Authorized Signatory of Kunsthaus Göttingen
Donation form
You can download the donation declaration here.
Please complete and sign the form and send it to us at:
or by post to:
Kunsthaus Göttingen
Düstere Straße 7
37073 Göttingen
Become an active member and enjoy the benefits!
Supporters of the Kunsthaus – “Förderkreis”

The Förderkreis Kunsthaus Göttingen e.V. was formally founded in February 2023. Initiated by Rolf-Georg Köhler (former mayor) and Alfons v. Uslar (former founding managing director of the Kunsthaus), the association pursues three goals in particular:
- the promotion of the activities of the Kunsthaus,
- the associated further development of the art quarter, and
- the strengthening of the network in the cultural scene within the region.
“The Kunsthaus is finished, but its operation and also the art quarter continue to develop. It is therefore important that not only the city and politics, but also society get involved in supportively!” says Köhler.
It’s worth joining: Members of the association pay a fixed annual fee and in return will have the opportunity in the future to take advantage of offers such as exclusive guided tours, exhibition previews or even joint art trips. The organization of the association is ensured by a board of at least five people.
ATTENTION: The very first general meeting will be held in mid-June in conjunction with the upcoming exhibition “Jim Dine. Storm of Memory” at the Kunsthaus. Be there and become a founding member!
Send the membership application either digitally to info@kunsthaus-goettingen.de or by mail to:
Förderkreis Kunsthaus Göttingen e.V.
c/o Kunsthaus Göttingen gGmbH
Düstere Straße 7
37073 Göttingen
If you send in your application by 26.5. you will receive your personal invitation to the first general meeting.
By the way: You can also support the Kunsthaus independently of the Förderkreis with a donation. These will continue to go directly to the Kunsthaus Göttingen gGmbH (see donation form on the left).
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