Different disciplines are combined here. Together with regional and national cooperation partners, the Kunsthaus Göttingen combines different perspectives on contemporary art. With the help of contrasting but also complementary approaches to approach art methodically as diverse as possible, new perspectives can emerge that are able to create many creative symbioses in order to enable a rich art experience. The idea is to unite different actors outside the field of art and culture in order to blur boundaries.



This is a cooperative project with the partners documenta fifteen, Kunsthaus Göttingen, publisher Gerhard Steidl, Literaturhaus Göttingen und the city of Göttingen. The KUNSTHAUS gallery will offer an hour-long guided tour on the first day and very short lectures on individual pieces on the other days listed below.

Artists from India and Bangladesh will be invited to give live talks about their art. These will be an integral part of the talks on art in the English language. The experience promises to be stimulating and thought-provoking. After the class you are welcome to join ART AFTER WORK for a drink, held every fortnight. Kompetenzniveau B1+.

Zur Anmeldung für den Kurs (= sieben Termine) geht es hier / Click here to register for the seven-part workshop.


What is contemporary art? What does it have to do with me? Can anyone do something with it? How do I find an emotional approach to the work – or not? These and many more questions are explored by the Pedagogical Tandem of the Junges Theater and Kunsthaus Göttingen. In this special school offer from the age of 14, the art of theatre in the form of the play »Nipple Jesus« by Nick Hornby is combined with a playful and activating exhibition tour on topics of the exhibition, in which subjective perception is in the foreground.

More information and possible dates can be obtained from the education department of Kunsthaus Göttingen or at https://www.junges-theater.de/stueck/nipplejesus/.
