Full house and a highly exciting evening! Under the motto “Art and Opposition”, the Kunsthaus Göttingen hosted a discussion in the Forum on Friday, November 10th.


The artist of the current exhibition Victoria Lomasko (* 1978, USSR) gave deeper insights into the changing conditions under which artists have been working in their Russian homeland in the recent past. Dr. Sandra Frimmel, an expert on Russian art, and Clemens Krümmel, a specialist in reportage drawings, supplemented this with information on local artistic developments and the genre’s role models. With a wide range of questions and a very interested audience, the discussion continued at length afterwards over a glass of wine.

Lomasko herself fled to Germany in 2022 when war broke out in Ukraine and lives in exile in Berlin/Leipzig. Not an easy step, as she is cut off from family and friends. However, her artistic work, in which she documents social conditions as well as activist movements and their political condemnation – such as the trials against the punk band “Pussy Riot” – is too critical of the regime and the church to remain in Russia without danger.

The event was moderated by Lennart Herberhold in cooperation with NDR Kultur.

If you couldn’t be there, you can listen to it again on Wednesday 15.11./ 18.05 on Stadtradio Göttingen!

The number of participants is limited. We look forward to receiving your pre-registration at info@kunsthaus-goettingen.de. Please register at least two days before the event. (Last-minute registrants are welcome if there are still places available).


Photo left: The artist Viktoria Lomasko signing

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